Connect answr with Make

This is step by step guide to integrate answr in the Make ecosystem. Connect thousands apps with answr under 5 minutes.

Make (formely Integromat) is a visual platform for anyone to design, build, and automate anything—from tasks and workflows to apps and systems. It helps the user to connect different apps and services using an intuitive no-code builder.

Before using this guide, an account in Make must be created. If you don't have an account, just register to the platform. If you already have an account, just log in.

Create a new scenario

After you are logged in to your Make account, go to section "Scenarios" and click on the "Create a new scenario" button.

The no code builder will open and you can start placing the blocks that are needed for your integration. Usually, before calling the answr API, you will need to generate an event from your application/system. For example, you can make an API request when a new row is inserted into a PostgreSQL table, or a new object is added into your CRM.

To configure a PostgreSQL server in Make just place the host IP/URL, credential and schema and you are ready to go. More details can be found here.

Setup login HTTP request

From the builder add a "HTTP" module with an action called "Make a request". The configuration window will pop up. In the URL section place the login API endpoint.

Select the POST method. In the "Body type" section add two new fields as "Multipart/form-data":

  • In the Key field place: email, while in the Value field place your account email

  • In the Key field place: password, while in the Value field place your password

After setting up your HTTP login request, right click on this module and hit "Run this module only". Then click on the bubble that appears and copy the "authToken". We are going to use it in the next step.

Paste the copied authToken key in a text editor to keep for the next step.

Setup the Climatic Variables HTTP request

Add a second HTTP request, right after the previous one. Select which climatic or other data API endpoint you would like to integrate and paste its URL in the corresponding section.

Select the GET method. Then add two header items as shown in the figure below. The second item contains the authToken variable generated from the previous step. In the "Query String" section add an item with the following:

  • Name: Input_point

  • Value: {"type":"point","data":{"lng":LONGITUDE,"lat":LATITUDE}}

    • The LONGITUDE and LATITUDE should be replaced by the coordinates of the location you request. These can either be hardcoded (as the figure below) or passed as variables from previous steps.

Make sure you select "Yes" in the "Parse response" to return the results as a json structure.

After setting up your HTTP data request, right click on this module and hit "Run this module only". Then click on the bubble that appears, paste the "authToken" and click ok.

Last updated