Flood Hazard Maps at European and Global Scale

The datasets included in this collection depict flood prone areas in Europe and the World for river flood events of different magnitude (from 1-in-10-year to 1-in-500-year). The maps have been developed using hydrological and hydrodynamic models, driven by the climatological data of the European and Global Flood Awareness Systems (EFAS and GloFAS). European-scale maps comprise most of the geographical Europe and all the river basins entering the Mediterranean and Black Seas in the Caucasus, Middle East and Northern Africa countries.

All maps are in raster format (GEOTIF) with a grid resolution of 100m (European-scale maps) and 30 arcseconds (global-scale maps). The maps can be used to assess the exposure of population and economic assets to river floods, and to perform flood risk assessments. More information can be found in the references mentioned in the description of each dataset. The collection also includes supplementary maps showing the river network and the water bodies considered in the creation of the flood maps IMPORTANT NOTE: all the maps in this collection are based on JRC elaborations and are not official flood hazard maps (for details and limitations please refer to related publications).

Dottori F; Salamon P; Alfieri L; Bianchi A; Feyen L; Hirpa F; Lorini V. Flood Hazard Maps at European and Global Scale. European Commission; 2016. JRC103765

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